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What is a pterygium?
A pterygium is a benign growth of tissue arising from the skin of the eye. It usually grows from the inner nasal corner, creating a painless area of raised tissue with a web of small red blood vessels. It can sometimes become inflamed, and symptoms include irritation, burning, or the sensation of a foreign object in the eye.
What causes a pterygium?
It is caused by damage to the connective tissue underlying the eye skin. Individuals who work outdoors or live in sunny, windy, or dusty areas are at increased risk. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays and chronic irritation from dusty, dry conditions increases risk. The condition is rare in children.
What are the risk factors for a pterygium?
The most recognized risk factors for pterygium, or “surfer’s eye,” are age 20 to 40 years and living in sunny climates. Men are more likely to develop pterygium than women.
How can a pterygium be prevented?
While the exact cause of pterygium is unknown, there are certain measures you can take to decrease your likelihood of developing pterygium, such as wearing sunglasses with UV protection and covering your eyes when you are outdoors, especially in dusty and windy conditions.
How is a pterygium diagnosed?
During your eye exam, your eye doctor uses a special instrument known as a “slit lamp” to determine if you have pterygium.
How is a pterygium treated?
No treatment is required unless the pterygium begins to interfere with vision or symptoms are causing problems. Minimizing exposure to dry, dusty conditions and ultraviolet light can lessen symptoms. Pterygium's that are causing pain or decreased vision can be removed with a minimally invasive surgical procedure.
Pterygium: Resume
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